» HTML Documentation With Only HTML For Beginners«

  1. HTML

  1. HTML Editors

  1. HTML boilerplate

  1. HTML tags and Elements

  1. HTML Attributes

  1. HTML Headings


  1. HTML Paragraphs

  1. HTML Horizontal Rules


  1. HTML Line Breaks

  1. HTML Text Formatting


  1. HTML Comments

  1. HTML Links

  1. HTML Images

  1. HTML Favicon


  1. HTML Tables


COURSE PRICE Instructors
The Web Developer Bootcamp 2022 ₹389 Colt Steele
100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022 ₹389 Dr. Angela Yu
The Complete Web Developer in 2022: Zero to Mastery ₹389 Andrei Neagoie
Modern JavaScript From The Beginning ₹389 Brad Traversy

  1. HTML Entities


  1. HTML Lists


» » IMPORTANT NOTE:- <ul> tag and <ol> tag must only directly contain <li> tag, <script> tag or template elements

⚫ For <dl>, <dt>, <dd> tag click this link ---> CLICK HERE

  1. HTML Block and Inline Elements

  1. The div Element:- The div element is used as a container for other html elements such as - <img>, <p>, <h1> etc. <div> is a block level element.
  2. The span Element:- The <span> element is an inline container used to mark up an important part of a text, or a part of a document.

Most used Block and Inline element example with output:-

  1. HTML Semantic Elements

  1. <article>:- Defines independent, self-contained content.
  2. <aside>:- Defines content aside from the page content
  3. <details>:- Defines additional details that the user can view or hide
  4. <figure>:- Specifies self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc.
  5. <figcaption>:- Defines a caption for a figure element.
  6. <footer>:- Defines a footer for a document or section
  7. <header>:- Specifies a header for a document or section
  8. <main>:- Specifies the main content of a document
  9. <mark>:- Defines marked/highlighted text
  10. <nav>:- Defines the navigation links
  11. <section>:- Defines a section in a document
  12. <summary>:- Defines a visible heading for a details element
  13. <time>:- Defines a date/time

→ NOTE:- For Detailed Explanation On Sementic HTML refer to this link:- SEMANTIC HTML

  1. <HTML Forms>

Syntax of HTML Form:-

These are the most important ones we will be studying in this section.

Example of a FORM :-


  1. FORM Validation In HTML


To know more about HTML prefer these links :-
1. W3Schools - CLICK HERE 2. MDN Web Docs - CLICLK HERE